Hardfacts — Leading an unmotivated and complex consumer to a life-changing product
Erectile dysfunction affects about one-in-five men over 40* but nobody talks about it. We created a communication strategy to overcome the shame around men’s sexual health, remove the barriers keeping men from seeking help, debunk the myths that have accumulated, and lead the way to the facts.
The canary in the pants
When men suffer from erectile dysfunction it stays behind closed doors, literally. Its secret life prompts an increase in snake oil pedlars—from billboards that promise longer lasting sex and goat weed remedies, to junk mail filling our in-boxes on a regular basis.
Improving quality of life
Everyone, it seems, is embarrassed to talk about erectile dysfunction—the sufferers, their partners and sometimes even their doctors. This can lead to big social issues, marriage failures, low self-esteem and often depression. The truth is that erectile dysfunction is treatable and more common than people realise. For us, this was a classic quality of life issue.
Communication challenges
How do men find the real facts, the real information and the real solutions for this condition? This was the issue asked by American Medical Systems (AMS, a producer of an implant solution for erectile dysfunction). The big communication challenges were to position AMS differently (by standing them apart from the junk), expose false assumptions, provide credible information to educate men, healthcare professionals and doctors about options, and support those suffering with erectile dysfunction issues.
Understanding issues informs our solutions
We began, as we begin all our work, with understanding the issues.
Boccalatte’s interviews of patients, GPs, urologists and the knowledgable sales and marketing team uncovered a patient pathway riddled with stigmas, snake oil, gatekeepers and road blocks. Market research into consumer behaviour of men 45+ combined with insights from interviews helped us form demographic and psychographic profiles of our audience.
These profiles supported the design and development of a targeted messaging and communication strategy delivered via a website, printed materials, and a digital media campaign.
The Impact
Boccalatte carved out a unique position for the campaign offering the Hard Facts in an internet full of misinformation and backed this up with tailored, aspirational brand identity to bring dignity, hope and resolve to men and families living with erectile dysfunction.
Our three-month digital media campaign pilot, in collaboration with our learned-friends over at Switch Digital, yielded unprecedented customer pathway insights and lead generation results for AMS and the campaign went on to roll out nationally over a two year period.
Reach: 4.3M unique views
Engaged: Click-thru rate 0.08%* (industry ave. 0.03%)
Interested: 1,412 key site actions performed
Intent to act: 232 users searched for an individual Urologist’s contact info
Conversions: 125 tracked events to contact or print referral to a Urologist.
* Holden Ca, McLachlan RI, Pitts M, Cumming R, Wittert G, Agius PA, Handelsman DJ, de Krester DM. Men in Australia, Telephone Survey (MATeS): A National Survey of the Reproductive Health and Concerns Of Middle Aged and Older Australian Men. Lancet 2005; 366: 218-24